Who are you designing this for?

Who are you designing this data standard and supporting tools for?

Is it for the general public to find charities in their area? for government to know who does what? Or something else?

This question was asking during our Open Referral UK launch event in June 2021.

The Open Referral UK standard is designed to improve the collection and interchange of information describing “human services” offered by public, voluntary, charity and private sector organisations. Different implementations might cover different ranges of services.

The data made available via standard interfaces can be used in “service finder” applications aimed at the general public or at intermediaries (sometimes called “link workers”) who refer people to services which they think are suitable to address specific needs.

The standard is relevant to:

  • organisations commissioning directories with information on services
  • software developers/suppliers of such directories
  • software suppliers of service finders, including ones built into social prescribing tools
  • service data maintenance organisations who need to check the completeness and accuracy of service data

People looking for services need not understand the standard but they are the ultimate beneficiaries.